We process technological information for you!
Do you and your company want to know:
- What developments a specific technology has undergone so far?
- What this technology actually involves, what the sub and peripheral areas are?
- What competing or complementary technologies there are?
- What potential applications do given (new) technology developments promise?
- Are there any indications of potential disruption of importance for you?
- Who the relevant actors in a specific technology are?
Or have you perhaps already carried out a scenario process and now need more technology-specific information to be able to make a decision?
Our technology analyses will help you to answer these questions. They will help to put your medium to long-term R&D planning on a solid footing, and to identify meaningful action areas when (re-)aligning your research and technology strategy.
How do we go about it?
We put our heads together with you, to first identify the technology fields relevant for you and your company. We then launch the technology analysis. Depending on what we have agreed together, this can address sub-aspects like the following:
- Defining and demarking the technology
- Presenting current technology development lines
- Presenting the technology complex
- Conducting actor analyses
- Assessing how important the technology (e.g. application potential) is for specific industries
- Deriving and presenting options for action.
We mainly use Desk Research and specific analysis tools such as KATI, some of which were developed at INT. Interviews with experts and workshops can also provide support.
We can present the results in a format of your choice (text or profiles, for example), with the language and/or visualizations being specially tailored to you or your target groups.