MultiRATE – Holistic framework for the MatUrity evaLuaTIon of ReAdiness level for security TEchnologies

Client: EU (Horizon Europe)

Budget:  € 1.389.252,50

Coordinator: Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH)

Consortium: 12 partners from 11 European countries

Keywords: Technology Evaluation, Readiness Level, Civil Security

Objectives: MultiRATE will conduct research in several areas to systematically evaluate the maturity or readiness of products and processes for European civil security (e. g. law enforcement, civil protection, etc.) in a more comprehensive, detailed and objective way. As a result, an evaluation method and a web-based evaluation tool will be presented to improve communication between different actors and support them in making critical decisions on acquisition, investment, research and development. The project's focus is to harmonise existing methods and various aspects of readiness.

The aspect categories of readiness that will be investigated are the following:
Technology, Societal Attitudes, Security, Integration, Commercialisation, Manufacturing, Law, Privacy and Ethics.
A particular assessment method will be developed in each of these areas, and appropriate indicators will be defined for each level. Additionally, a holistic readiness level category with a corresponding assessment method is also introduced for a better overview. This knowledge is considered the basis for the development of the assessment tool. After a user has provided information about a product or process, it should be able to calculate and visualise the maturity level in the different categories. It should also provide other information, such as necessary steps for a higher readiness level, and make recommendations. Through a network of experts from the EU R&D community, both the method and the tool will be continuously tested, adapted and improved. 

Project launch: 1 Dec 2022

Project end: 31 May 2025

Tasks Fraunhofer INT:

  • Task lead for the aspect category Security Readiness Level (Sec RL)
  • Interviews with subject matter experts and potential users
  • Validation planning & validation exercises
  • Project network building from the EU R&D community