Future technologies and innovation research
We Help to Find Answers for Your Organization’s Strategic Questions.
Our special focus is on research into innovation and the technologies of the future. Long years of experience in the early identification of tomorrow’s technologies and planning for the future make our team a reliable partner for you.
Together with our excellent team, we can also address even broader ranges of questions that impact you, e. g. questions from the economy or society. Tailored to your specific needs, we draw up analyses and use technology-oriented foresight methods, like roadmapping and the scenario technique. This lets us expand any short-term perspective already in your sights for the next 3 to 5 years, up to the long-term perspective from 5 to 20 years. Or we can analyze the whole of your timeframe. Working together, we can identify the future technologies of meaning for you; we can evaluate them and highlight technological white spots, or break down complex technologies and their specific implications for your company. With this information from us, we create a real possibility to generate a scientific basis, a foundation for the ongoing development of your long-term technology strategies.