KATI Use Cases

Key publications

In the Dimensions database alone, 6.5 million new scientific publications were added in 2021, which amounts to nearly 18,000 publications per day. How can you possibly decide which of these publications you should read if you want to learn about a new field of research? An obvious approach is to tackle key publications in the form of review papers first to get an initial handle on the topic in question. Review papers typically contain many references as they need to cover a broad knowledge base. If a publication is cited, this means that it belongs to a knowledge base of this kind. The more often publications are cited, the greater their influence on a specific field. KATI features a reference-citation plot that plots these two metrics against each other. This makes it possible to quickly identify possible key publications and familiarize yourself efficiently with a topic without having to manually sift through volumes of publications for suitable literature.

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Countries of excellence

Actor analyses are performed to pinpoint the leading actors in a given field and can also be conducted at a national level, for example. But how do you measure the excellence of a country? Generally, countries that conduct a lot of research also publish a lot of papers; this can be viewed as a measure of the country’s productivity. To assess quality, the analyses evaluate how often these publications are cited on average – in other words, what kind of impact they have on the scientific community. Fraunhofer INT has developed a productivity-impact plot that divides these metrics into four quadrants. This will help you determine which countries are truly pioneering research nations, which ones only talk a good game and which ones have simply struck lucky once.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a call to action to ensure worldwide sustainable development on an economic, social and ecological level. In order to classify the sustainability of a technological system, it is important to assess the sustainability of the associated research landscape. For this purpose, our partner Digital Science has made efforts to arrange every scientific publication according to the SDGs. This enables us to determine how many publications on a given subject can be assigned to an SDG. Moreover, KATI offers a donut chart function that can be used to define which of the 17 SDGs is most strongly represented and filter the publications accordingly. Do you want to find out which technologies make the world a better place? Then get in touch and we’ll show you how!

And because KATI is an interactive system, you’ll also discover the countries that conduct and publish the best research in an area that addresses a particular SDG, for example, as well as the publications you should read to get to grips with this area as quickly as possible. 


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