RADLÄR – RADlogistik in LÄndlichen Räumen (Cycle logistics in rural areas)

Funded by: Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV)

Budget: 1.306.520,17 €

Coordinator: Fraunhofer INT

Consortium: Fulda University of Applied Sciences and Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Goal: With RADLÄR, we want to unleash the innovative power of rural areas to have a positive impact on the community far beyond them. We want to address the needs, challenges, ideas and visions of people in rural areas in order to work with them to enable economical, emission-free and future-oriented freight transport – cycle logistics transport.

The urgency of implementing a sustainable mobility and transport transition in Germany cannot be overstated: The transport sector in particular – emitter of around a fifth of climate-damaging greenhouse gases – is not moving sufficiently in the direction of technologies, processes and patterns that can save and avoid them. In freight logistics, transportation by cargo bike is seen as a way of pursuing the sustainability goals of the transport transformation. Logistical solutions with this small-scale but emission-free load carrier are still largely unexplored, especially in rural areas.

RADLÄR will close this research gap. Taking into account the requirements of several and thus diverse rural areas as model regions and communities as well as the current state of research, innovative and generally applicable processes of cycle logistics are to be developed and comprehensively tested. These processes will open up additional opportunities for commercial transport in rural areas, as an economically viable and realistic integration of cycle logistics will be developed on a sound scientific basis. The target group of the project is therefore both private companies that would like to develop the use of cycle logistics and public stakeholders who would like to specifically promote cycle logistics, for example because of sustainability reasons. The project RADLÄR was successfully completed once the potential uses of (cargo) bicycles in rural commercial transport had been comprehensively researched and evaluated.

Project launch: June 1, 2024

Project end: May 31, 2027

Tasks of Fraunhofer INT:

  • Project coordination
  • Needs assessment for cycle logistics in rural areas
  • Evaluation of the cycle logistics concepts for rural areas developed in RADLÄR

The RADLÄR project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport from funds for the implementation of the National Cycling Plan 3.0.