We evaluate technologies with you!
We size up technologies! Together with you!
Do you and your company want to know:
- When a technology is ready for the market?
- How relevant a technology is for your own business?
- What maturity grade a technology has reached?
- How probable it is that a technology will make an existing market and value-creating network obsolete?
- What hurdle you must take before you can directly build a technology into your own production?
With our technology radar, we can help you to find answers for these questions. It’s a radar system conceived to help put your medium to long-term R&D planning on a solid footing, and to identify meaningful action when your are (re-)aligning your research and technology strategy.
How do we go about it?
Based on our INT Technology Monitoring and Scouting processes, our first step is to work hand-in-hand with you to identify technologies relevant to you and your company. This launches the creation of your own specific company radar. If you already have such a radar system, no problem: together, we check for potential white spots in your technology.
In the next step, we take the measure of the technologies we have identified together. And together with you, we determine the relevant evaluation criteria:
- Time to market
- Business relevance
- Estimated technology maturity level
- Commercial availability
- Disruption potential
- Adaptability
- …
Evaluation primarily results from our scientists’ know-how, from Desk Research, and from KATI, the analysis tool developed at INT. The process also includes interviewing and running workshops with experts in order to pinpoint information of interest to your company.
We then build the results into your own specific technology radar, where they are tailored into a visualization specially conceived for you and your target groups.