
RiskPACC - Integrating Risk Perception and Action to enhance Civil protection-Citizen interaction

Client: EU (Horizon 2020)

Budget: total budget: €5.460.791,25, Fraunhofer INT share: €594.566,25

Coordinator: Fraunhofer INT

Consortium: 20 partners from 9 European countries

RiskPACC focuses on increasing disaster resilience across society by closing the so-called Risk Perception Action Gap (RPAG) that can be understood as the mismatch between how risk is perceived and acted upon, and its actual occurrence. Notably, perceptions of risk and risk management actions taken by civil protection agencies and the public, have been shown to be often misaligned.

In seeking to narrow this RPAG, RiskPACC adopts a co-creation approach to facilitate greater interaction and knowledge exchange between citizens, civil protection agencies, civil society organisations, researchers and developers to collaboratively identify resilience requirements and develop potential procedural and technical solutions to build enhanced resilience to a range of hazards. Based on this understanding, seven dedicated case studies focused on wildfires, floods, earthquakes., CBRN, terrorism, health pandemics, and multi-hazard events will be established. These will jointly design and prototype novel solutions across all risk management/disaster resilience phases (i. e. prevent/mitigate, preparedness, response, and recovery) and will be stress-tested in multiple locations and risk contexts.

Project launch: September 1, 2021